Condition in Monkey Forest
Ubud Monkey Forest inhabited by 200 monkeys, pertained long-tailed macaques or Macaca fascicularis inclusive group that has a wide spread. Among and amount monkeys living in this forest, there are 23 adult males, 79 adult female and 98 still baby. All monkeys in this forest consisted of three groups, living a certain area and use the certain place and certain time. However , it also happens that there are two groups in the same place and time, they will fight each other. These monkeys are believed as Gods Guard of Dalem Agung Temple. Hindu temple and the middle of the forest. There are three holy temple in the jungle monkeys, probably build in the mid 14th century, in the reign of the early dynasties Gelgel. Where Pura Dalem Agung is located in the northwest of the forest, is the most important temple. In addition, two other temples, the Temple of Bath, on the west side of this forest and Prajapati temple is located in the south-east side where the Lord Shiva (Lord Shiva), one of the temple in the village of Padang Tegal Khayangan.
How to Get to Ubud Monkey Forest
It’s pretty easy to get to the Sacred Ubud Monkey Forest Sanctuary, and can be reached by many sides besides from central town of Ubud, from eastern corner of Ubud and from southern area of Ubud.As the distance from Kuta is around 55 kms, from Sanur around 40 kms, and from Nusa Dua area around 65 kms . Simply find Jalan Hanoman or Jalan Monkey Forest (aka Monkey Forest Street) which is the main street that runs through Ubud.
Take this all the way until you get to the Sacred Monkey Forest! Once you arrive, you will see welcome sign "The Padangtegal Mandala Wisata Wanara Wana Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary" and you will start to see a monkeys.
Ubud Monkey Forest Entrance Fee
Visit to the Ubud Monkey Forest are subject to an entrance fee of 60,000 IDR per person for adult, and 40,000 IDR per person for kid. The ticket can be bought at the ticket counter which located just before the entrance gate of the forest. And the payment should be cash in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), so please prepare small cash before you come here. In the forest itself there's local community in charge daily as a security of the forest during the opening hours . The will gladly to answer and giving any information you need .
Ubud Monkey Forest Opening Hours
The Ubud Monkey Forest is open for visitor at 08.30 AM to 06.00 PM daily, and whilst the ticket office closes at 5.30 PM . And the best time to visit monkey forest in Ubud around 14:00. At this time period, most of the monkeys already get fed by the previous visitor. This way you will get the less aggressive behavior of the primate.
Ubud Monkey Forest Dress Code
There is no dress code required when you go to Ubud Monkey Forest. However as a sanctuary filled with actual temples, be respectful of the local attire and make sure you are covered. Avoid spaghetti straps and wear a tank top or T-shirt. Cover your legs and wear a sarong, skirt or loose-fitting pants. There are some parts of the area that prohibited for the public to see or visit. For example, the sacred area or temple. The temple area is only accessible for whom willing to pray and wear proper Balinese praying dress.
Ubud Monkey Forest Travel Tips
A visit Ubud Monkey Forest should not be done lightly or without caution, and you can have a pleasant visit if you are mindful of the rules and always remember that these monkeys are not pets, they are wild animals . For your safety and convenience please read and follow the “Monkey Forest Tips” that had been placed around the area.